Parallels between Pollard and Dreyfus
by Bruce Bill
(The SA Jewish Times Passover 5755, Friday 31
March 1995)
NONE of the events organized in 1994 to mark
100 years since the Dreyfus Affair drew any parallels with the Pollard
affair. Yet a close look reveals striking similarities.
In both cases there was extraordinarily cruel
treatment. Dreyfus was exiled not to New Caledonia, which was usual, but to the solitary hell of Devil's
Island. Pollard received life imprisonment for passing intelligence to an
ally. Until recently, he was held in solitary confinement in an underground
cell at Marion Federal Penitentiary. Today he is in Butner Prison, North
Carolina, where many of his fellow prisoners are Black Moslems and American
Nazis who threaten his life.
In her opening remarks at the Inter-national
Dreyfus Centennial Conference, MK Shulamit Aloni noted that the major Dreyfus
protagonists, Georges Picquart and Emile Zola, were Gentiles. Likewise, of
the three judges reviewing Pollard's trial, only Steven Williams, the only non-Jew, said unequivocally:
"The government's conduct in this case resulted in a fundamental and
complete miscarriage of
Lucie Dreyfus never abandoned hope of her
husband's eventual acquittal. She first petitioned the Chamber of Deputies to
reopen the investigation, and later petitioned Premier Brisson for cabinet
approval to conduct another review, which began in November 1898.
Similarly, first Ann Henderson Pollard and
then Pollard's second wife Elaine, together with his sister Carol, are in the
forefront of the battle to secure justice for Pollard.
In both cases, a setup was orchestrated
within the intelligence community. In the Dreyfus case, is intricacies took
years to unravel.
Hidden within the US intelligence community,
Jew-free cells work to undermine Israel. To "create" a Jonathan
Pollard and concomitant whispers of dual loyalty would serve them well.
In 1974, toward the end of my US Army Service
as a Mideast traffic analyst for the US National Security Agency, NSA, I
applied to continue my work as a civilian, and was given a polygraph
interview. I was asked, "Can you foresee any circumstance in which you
would disclose classified intelligence to a foreign national?"
I answered no. The polygraph machine
indicated I was "having a problem with that question."
In advance of the surprise attack of the Yom
Kippur War a year earlier, we at NSA knew of the planned invasion and did not
inform the Israelis. In 1974, I was indeed "having a problem" about
After the interview, the possibility that I
might violate my secrecy oath WAS on record - and yet I was offered a
Was a potential "Pollard" being
sought back in 1974?.
Pollard's dedication to the Jewish people was
well known. He was recruited to his position, barraged by anti-Semitic
harangues from his coworkers, privy to intelligence vital for Israel and was
granted a courier pass facilitating his taking classified material. This
surely smells of a setup.
Dreyfus's counterintelligence coworkers
falsified documents. Dreyfus's chief detractor, Major Hubert Henry, furtively
submitted a forged document to the presiding judges just before the verdict,
leading to a unanimous guilty verdict.
Caspar Weinberger slipped a recommendation to
Pollard's judge. In both cases, the submission was illicit, and the contents
of the documents kept from the public and the defense.
The French Jewish community distanced itself
from the Dreyfus Affair; so has the US
Jewish community vis-a-vis Pollard.
Dreyfus eventually had the full support of
the intellectual community, with writer Emile Zola in
the vocal vanguard. After nine years in
prison, Pollard is still waiting for his Zola.