Wye Double-Cross
Time for America
to Honor Its Commitment to Free Jonathan Pollard
Page created June 18, 2001
February 28, 2001
"...The former
President of the United States, Bill Clinton, made an explicit commitment
to the then-Prime Minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu, to release
Jonathan Pollard.
This promise was made
prior to the Wye Summit and [again] during the course of the negotiations
at Wye... This was not a personal promise made to a particular prime minister...
This was a promise made to the State of Israel and to the People of
Israel..." Dani
Naveh, Minister without Portfolio
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At this time of increased tension in the Middle
East - owing in no small part to America's having trained Palestinian
Authority snipers whose guns are now trained on Israeli civilians - it is
high time for the US to make a confidence-building gesture to Israel by
honoring the commitment it made at Wye to release Jonathan Pollard.
America's commitment to release
Jonathan Pollard, made as an integral part of the Wye Accords, still stands
and is not limited to any specific government.
The US commitment to release Pollard as part of the
Wye Summit was explicitly given to Israel twice:
- prior to the
Wye summit,
President Clinton unequivocally committed to freeing Pollard as an
inducement to Netanyahu to participate in a high-profile summit before
the mid-term House elections in November.
- during the
Wye summit,
the US again committed to Pollard's release as an integral part of
the Wye Accords as a quid pro quo for immunity for terrorist Ghazi
Jabali, plus the release of 750 Arab terrorists and murderers, with
Jewish blood on their hands.
The Netanyahu Government has never
hesitated to publicize point 1 above. But to this day it remains reticent to
acknowledge its role in point 2 above, ashamed, no doubt, of being the first
Government of Israel to agree to release Arab terrorists with Jewish blood on
their hands. Consequently, while this is not denied, it is never voluntarily
raised by Netanyahu or his former government colleagues. They are loathe to
talk about how America duped the Netanyahu government into agreeing to
release these murderers and gave nothing in return.
As a consequence of its failure at Wye, the Netanyahu
Government fell, and the next Government, fully cognizant of the deal
Netanyahu had made, released the murderers and terrorists who were the price
paid for Pollard. Despite Clinton's behind-the-scenes promise to do a
"review" of the case and then release Jonathan Pollard parallel to
the release of the 750 terrorists, America did not live up to its end of the
deal and Pollard remained in prison.
The double-cross that Israel experienced at the 1998 Wye
Summit is fundamental to an understanding of how this case has continuously
been exploited by the US to elicit painful concessions from Israel. Israel
routinely delivers and the US contemptuously continues to ignore its commitment
to free Jonathan Pollard
Following a recent meeting (05/02/01) with former
Prime Minister Netanyahu, Rabbi Steven Pruzansky of New Jersey wrote:
"I asked Netanyahu about Bill Clinton and Jonathan Pollard and he
did not mince words. This will shock some people but not others. He
characterized Clinton as 'very hostile to Israel, clearly a friend of the
Palestinians,' and was puzzled by the fawning admiration lavished on Clinton.
Netanyahu was induced into coming to Wye partly by an unequivocal
commitment by President Clinton to release Jonathan Pollard, and send him
back to Israel with the Prime Minister... Netanyahu simply ended: 'Clinton
lied to me'. Now that's a shocking disclosure." (Yediot Yeshurun, June
A detailed account of the double-cross at Wye can be found
on the Facts Page,
points 25 to 46. Other articles are listed below.
List of Related Articles
- Facts of the Pollard
- Everything You
Ever Wanted to Know About Wye - J4JP Release
- Who Betrayed
Jonathan Pollard at Wye?
Ya'acov Kornreich - Yated Ne'eman - November 6, 1998
- Famous And
Forgotten: The Pollard Paradox
Sofia Ron - Makor Rishon Feature Interview - October 1, 1999
- Pollard at Wye
Editorial - October 30 1998 - The Forward
- Pollard Remains
Central to Wye
- Palestinians, Not
Israelis, Played Pollard Card At Wye
- Pollard's wife:
His condition has worsened since Wye
Liat Collins - The Jerusalem Post - November 4, 1998
- Re: Wye Memo For
Increased Us-Israel Security Cooperation
- Netanyahu's Wye
Summit Gambit
Daniel Kurtzman - JTA - October 26, 1998
- Americanizing
the Mideast Conflict
Editorial - The Wall Street Journal October 26, 1998
- Peace Process or
Spin Politics?
Kenneth R. Timmerman - The Washington Times - October 27, 1998
- Request to Court
for Urgent Hearing & Rebuttal of Govt. Response
- Vendetta Against
Pollard Exposed as CIA Coverup
Yaakov Kornreich - Yated Neeman - December 18, 1998
- The Man Who Knew
Too Much
Editorial - The New Jersey Jewish News - October 29, 1998
- Man in the Middle
Hillel Kuttler - The Jerusalem Post - October 30, 1998
- Pollard hopeful
GOP changes will benefit him
Walter Ruby - Special to the NJ Jewish News - November 11, 1998
- CIA Director
Threatened to Quit if Pollard Was Released
Yaacov Kornreich - Yated Ne'eman - November 20, 1998
- A Murderer by Any
Other Name ... Justice4JP Release
- Pollard and The
Peace Process - NY Times - July 20, 1999
- Sharon and Katsav
Refuse to Help - Special Feature
Yaffa Goldstein - HATZOFEH Weekend Magazine Cover Story - June 1, 2001
- Arutz7 Interview
on M.K.s' Visit to Pollard
Esther Pollard Interview with Ariel Kahane - Arutz7 Radio - May 2, 2001
Bumbled, Not Bibi
- Rowland
Evans/Robert Novak - The New York Post - January 14, 1999
- Is Jonathan
Pollard a Camp David Bargaining Chip?
Dan Naveh - The Baltimore Sun- July 14, 2000
- Jlem Post Radio
Interview with Esther Pollard Following PM Sharon's Meeting With
President Bush
Interviewer Zeev Rosenberg - March 22, 2001
- Clinton Asks the
View of Top Aides On Freeing of Pollard
James Risen - The New York Times - December 3, 1998
- Netanyahu Reveals
Clinton Double-Cross On Pollard
Shimon Shiffer - Yediot Ahronot - June 18, 1999
- Unprecedented
criticism of Netanyahu by American officials
Nitzan Horowitz - Ha'aretz - October 25, 1998
- Hillary Parrots
Bill - No Objection from OU - J4JP Release
- The Ultimatum -
And His Name is Pollard
Yediot Achronot - September 24, 1999 - Excerpt
- A Picture is
Worth a Thousand Words - J4JP Release
- Bubba Bumbled,
Not Bibi
Rowland Evans/Robert Novak - The New York Post - January 14, 1999
- Justice4JP's
Position on Pollard & Camp David
J4JP Media Release - July 22, 2000
- The Clinton
Prof. Howard L. Adelson - Jewish Press NY - August 18, 2000
- MK Naveh
Challenges Barak's Claims About Pardon Involvement
Source: The Knesset Record - February 28, 2001 - Justice4JP Release
March 16, 2001
- Pollard's Case
May Be Crucial to Hillary's Run
Sidney Zion - The New York Daily News - August 5, 1999
- Media Release -
Larry Dub Writes to Barak
Larry Dub Esq Letter to Barak - J4JP Release
- Dub to Melchior:
Don't Call Me At Midnight to Do Barak's Dirty Work
Larry Dub Esq Letter to Minister Melchior - J4JP Release
- Rosh HaShana 5762
- Why is Jonathan Pollard Still in Prison?
Viewpoint Magazine - Sept., 2001
- Terror in the
U.S. and the Jonathan Pollard Case
A WorldNetDaily Exclusive Feature by Larry Dub, Esq. - Sept. 26, 2001
- Update on Pollard
and the Prisoner Releases
J4JP Release - July 7, 2003